Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Exercises on session 12

Exercise (1) -Choose the correct verbs so that each tense appears once.
Simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive
1-We (go)  to the cinema last week.
2-A bird pooed on the window that I (clean) only a minute before.
3-Yesterday at nine he (sit) in front of his computer.
4-When their mum got home, the boys (watch) TV for two hours.
Exercise (2)Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to use.
1-A plumber (come)  to our house yesterday.
2-He (want)  to repair our washing machine that(break)  a few days before.
3-Before he (ring)  at my door, he(look)  for a parking space for about ten minutes.
4-While the plumber (repair)  the washing machine, I (watch)  the news.
5-Suddenly, I (realise)  that they(show)  our street on TV.
6-The reporter (say)  that a car(crash)  into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
7-While I (listen)  carefully to what(happen) , someone(knock)  at my door.
8-I (open)  the door and(see)  a police officer standing there.
9-He (ask)  for the plumber.
10-As it (turn)  out, it (be) our plumber’s car that (roll)  down the street.

11-In his haste, the plumber (forget)  to put the handbrake on.
Exercise (3) Make the past simple or past continuous:

1) What  (you/do) when I  (call) you last night?..
2) I  (sit) in a cafe when you  (call)...
3) When you  (arrive) at the party, who  (be)there?..
4) Susie  (watch) a film when she  (hear) the noise...
5) Yesterday I  (go) to the library, next I (have) a swim, later I  (meet) Julie for coffee....
6) We  (play) tennis when John  (hurt) his ankle...
7) What  (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?.
8) He  (take) a shower when the telephone (ring)...
9) He  (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring)...
10) When I  (walk) into the room, everyone (work)...
11) It  (be) a day last September. The sun (shine) and the birds  (sing) . I  (walk) along the street when I  (meet) an old friend......
12) He  (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start)...
13) When her train  (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platform...
14) He  (be) so annoying! He  (always leave)his things everywhere...
15) On holiday we  (visit) Rome (see) the Vatican, and  (spend) a few days at the beach....
16) Why  (stand) on a chair when I  (come)into the room?..
17) They  (live) in Germany when they  (be)young...
18) At 7pm yesterday, we  (listen) to music..
19) When I  (leave) the house, it  (snow)...
20) He  (work) in a bank when he  (meet) his wife...


  1. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  2. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  3. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  4. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  5. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  6. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  7. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  8. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  9. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  10. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  11. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  12. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  13. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  14. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  15. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  16. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had clean
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-ring
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

    1. Good, but take care of the following:
      Number 2 in the first question should be"had cleaned" ant not "had clean" as we use past participle after "had"

  17. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  18. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  19. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  20. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  21. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  22. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - watched
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

    1. Ok, but there is only one mistake in exercise 2 number 4:
      It should be "was watching" not watch as the two actions were happening at the same time and no action interrupted the other.

  23. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  24. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - watched
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

    1. Ok, but there is only one mistake in exercise 2 number 4:
      It should be "was watching" not watch as the two actions were happening at the same time and no action interrupted the other.

  25. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  26. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  27. Exercise 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  28. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  29. Exercise 1:
    1. went
    2. had cleaned
    3. was sitting
    4. had been watching
    Exercise 2:
    1. came
    2. wanted - had broken
    3. rang - had been looking
    4. was repairing - was watching
    5. realised - were showing
    6. said - had crashed
    7. was listening - had happened- knocked
    8. opened - saw
    9. asked
    10. turned - was - had rolled
    11. had forgotten
    Exercise 3:
    were you doing - called
    was sitting-called
    was watching-heard
    were playing-hurt
    were they doing
    was taking-rang
    walked-was working
    was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    was living-started
    got-were waiting
    was-was always leaving
    visited – saw - spent
    were you standing-came
    were listening
    left-was snowing
    was working-met

  30. 1:
    1. We went to the cinema last week.
    2. A bird pooed on the window that I had cleaned only a minute before.
    3. Yesterday at nine he was sitting in front of his computer.
    4. When their mum got home, the boys had been watching TV for two hours.
    Exercise 2:
    1. A plumber came to our house yesterday.
    2. He wanted to repair our washing machine that had broken a few days before.
    3. Before he rang at my door, he had been looking for a parking space for about ten minutes.
    4. While the plumber was repairing the washing machine, I was watching the news.
    5. Suddenly, I realised that they were showing our street on TV.
    6. The reporter said that a car had crashed into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
    7. While I was listening carefully to what had happened, someone knocked at my door.
    8. I opened the door and saw a police officer standing there.
    9. He asked for the plumber.
    10. As it turned out, it was our plumber’s car that had rolled down the street.
    11. In his haste, the plumber had forgotten to put the handbrake on.

    Exercise 3:
    1. were you doing - called
    2. was sitting-called
    3. arrived-was
    4. was watching-heard
    5. went-had-met
    6. were playing-hurt
    7. were they doing
    8. was taking-rang
    9. was-rang
    10. walked-was working
    11. was-was shining-were singing-was walking-met
    12. was living-started
    13. got-were waiting
    14. was-was always leaving
    15. visited – saw - spent
    16. did you stand-came
    17. lived-were
    18. were listening
    19. left-was snowing
    20. was working-met

    1. Good, but number 16 in exercise (3) is:
      "were you standing" and not " did you stand"
