Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Home assignment

Exercise (1)

Put the verbs in brackets into the gaps in the correct tense –Past Perfect or Simple Past.

1.              After Fred  (to spend) his holiday in Italy he  (to want) to learn Italian.
2.              Jill  (to phone) Dad at work before she  (to leave) for her trip.
3.              Susan  (to turn on) the radio after she  (to wash) the dishes.
4.              When she  (to arrive) the match  already  (to start).
5.              After the man  (to come) home he  (to feed) the cat.
6.              Before he  (to sing) a song he  (to play) the guitar.
7.              She  (to watch) a video after the children  (to go) to bed.
8.              After Eric  (to make) breakfast he  (to phone) his friend.
9.              I  (to be) very tired because I  (to study) too much.
10.         They  (to ride) their bikes before they  (to meet) their friends.

Exercise (2)

Top of Form
1. He  (work) in a supermarket before he  (work) as a postman. 

2. She
  (feed) the dog as soon as she  (do) her homework.

3. My sister
  (live) in England before she  (move) to Belgium.

4. After he
  (eat) all the sandwiches, he  (drink) some orange juice.

5. We
  (be) tired because we  (work) all day.

6. As I
  (miss) the bus, I  (walk) home again.

7. After they
  (install) the file, they  (can) go on working.

8. He
  (just start) to watch TV when the mobile phone  (ring).

9. Before she
  (go) to bed, she  (listen) to her favourite CD.

10. After he
  (lose) all his money, he  (be) poor as a church mouse.

11. She
  (have) a cup of coffee before she  (write) the letter.

12. My sister
  (eat) all the jam before our parents  (come) home.

13. Tom
  (be) very angry because Ann  (shout) at him.

14. She
  (go) home again as soon as she  (do) her shopping.

15. They
  (go) to a sightseeing tour after the bus  (arrive).
Bottom of Form

Exercise (3)

past tenses: simple, continuous, perfect :

Complete the sentences. Type the correct answer in the box. Use contractions where possible.
1-My brother(get) married last year.  
2-We(have) dinner when Sally called. 
3-John got to the cinema late and the film(start) when he arrived.          
4-I was driving home when the accident (happen).  

5-(you / watch) TV when I phoned?   Were you watching
6-I'd studied really hard but I(not pass) the exam.score

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Exercises on session 12

Exercise (1) -Choose the correct verbs so that each tense appears once.
Simple past, past progressive, past perfect simple, past perfect progressive
1-We (go)  to the cinema last week.
2-A bird pooed on the window that I (clean) only a minute before.
3-Yesterday at nine he (sit) in front of his computer.
4-When their mum got home, the boys (watch) TV for two hours.
Exercise (2)Complete the sentences for situations in the past. Decide which tense you need to use.
1-A plumber (come)  to our house yesterday.
2-He (want)  to repair our washing machine that(break)  a few days before.
3-Before he (ring)  at my door, he(look)  for a parking space for about ten minutes.
4-While the plumber (repair)  the washing machine, I (watch)  the news.
5-Suddenly, I (realise)  that they(show)  our street on TV.
6-The reporter (say)  that a car(crash)  into a stop sign just before reaching the crossroads.
7-While I (listen)  carefully to what(happen) , someone(knock)  at my door.
8-I (open)  the door and(see)  a police officer standing there.
9-He (ask)  for the plumber.
10-As it (turn)  out, it (be) our plumber’s car that (roll)  down the street.

11-In his haste, the plumber (forget)  to put the handbrake on.
Exercise (3) Make the past simple or past continuous:

1) What  (you/do) when I  (call) you last night?..
2) I  (sit) in a cafe when you  (call)...
3) When you  (arrive) at the party, who  (be)there?..
4) Susie  (watch) a film when she  (hear) the noise...
5) Yesterday I  (go) to the library, next I (have) a swim, later I  (meet) Julie for coffee....
6) We  (play) tennis when John  (hurt) his ankle...
7) What  (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?.
8) He  (take) a shower when the telephone (ring)...
9) He  (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring)...
10) When I  (walk) into the room, everyone (work)...
11) It  (be) a day last September. The sun (shine) and the birds  (sing) . I  (walk) along the street when I  (meet) an old friend......
12) He  (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start)...
13) When her train  (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platform...
14) He  (be) so annoying! He  (always leave)his things everywhere...
15) On holiday we  (visit) Rome (see) the Vatican, and  (spend) a few days at the beach....
16) Why  (stand) on a chair when I  (come)into the room?..
17) They  (live) in Germany when they  (be)young...
18) At 7pm yesterday, we  (listen) to music..
19) When I  (leave) the house, it  (snow)...
20) He  (work) in a bank when he  (meet) his wife...

Session 12: Past tenses

What are the different past tenses?
The past tense expresses what happened at some time in the past. There are several different ways of expressing the past in English. However, we can’t choose them at random, but we have to use particular tenses depending on the situation. Here is a chart of past tenses.



              Simple Past

A: He went.
N: He did not go.
Q: Did he go ?
v     Actions completed in the past at a definite time, even when the time is not given. Pasteur died in 1895
v     Past habit: He always wore a black suit.
v     Actions taking place one after another. He climbed the stairs and then followed me.
v     Action taking place in the middle of another action. I was having a shower when the phone rang

           yesterday, 3 days  ago, in 1967, in the 1980s, in the 17th century, when, then, last Friday.

              Past Continuous

A: He was singing.
N: He was not singing.
Q: Was he singing?
v     action going on for some time at a certain time in the past. At 9 o’clock I was waiting for my son                     
v     actions taking place at the same time joined by while or as: While I was cooking, my husband was laying the table.
v     action in the past that is interrupted by another action joined by when :  I was having a shower when the phone rang.
            Last night/week/year/ at 4 o’clock
            when, while, as long as
Past Perfect
A: He had spoken.
N: He hadn’t spoken.
Q: Had he spoken?
v     To talk about an action taking place before a certain time in the past. By the time the police arrived , he had already left
v     The emphasis is put on the result
            already, by the time, after, before,  just, never, not yet, until that day

         past perfect progressive
A: He had been waiting.
      N: He hadn’t been waiting.
  Q: Had he been waiting?
v     To emphasize how long an action lasted until a cert   ain point in the past. or to describe something that happened for a length of time  before another action in the past.
            The town was flooded after it had been raining for three days.
                When I got home I was very tired. I had been working all day.
                 after, before,  when-  all day – for-a      period of time- already, by the      time,

Some examples of past simple:
That tense shows normal narrative past form (sequentially occurring actions)
When I came home last Monday, I had a message on my answering machine. It said, “Meet me in the park.” I didn’t know who the message was from, but I was curious. I put on my jacket, took my bag and went to the park. And there he was: Luke, an old friend from school. I was glad to see him. He looked relieved..
Some examples of past continuous:
That tense emphasizes the progression/process of an action
The sun was shining.
He was standing there smiling at me.
He was holding a flower.
Some examples of past perfect:
That tense shows an action that took place before another (previously-mentioned) action.
After I had checked all the messages on my answering machine, I put on  my jacket…
hadn’t seen him for ages.
He was holding a flower that he had bought in a nearby flower shop.
Some examples of past perfect continuous:
That tense emphasizes how long an action lasted until a certain point in the past

He looked relieved, as he had already been waiting there for a few hours.

Model answer for session 11

About: A school trip
 Dear David,
            It pleases me to write to you.  I am eager to tell you about the school trip I went on last month. Our school advertised a school trip to the zoo for brilliant students. I was chosen as one of them. We went by bus. We arrived at the zoo at 8 o'clock. , We watched a lot of animals and birds. I was very happy to see the birds. I saw some birds for the first time. They were rare! After that, we saw different animals like lions and zebras. Then we moved to a tank. It was full of crocodiles. We also saw some other water birds like ducks and cranes. We then saw snakes such as pythons and cobras. Some of us played football and others went around the zoo. We spent the whole day in the zoo. We enjoyed a lot in the zoo. It was great. We had a great time there. Really happy time passed quickly


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Home assignment

(1)-Write an e mail to your pen friend David telling him about the school trip you went on last month. David's e-mail address is  David and your address is   Ramzy

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Model letter for session 10

10,Ahmed Orabi Street,
Nasr City,
10th Nov, 2016
Dear Tom,
        Greetings from Egypt. I am very pleased to write this letter to you. How are you? I hope you are in good health. I would like to invite you to visit Egypt next month. It will be a golden chance for you to visit Egypt and for me to see you. Egypt is a wonderful country. It has a lot of tourist attractions. Be sure you will enjoy every minute while staying in Egypt. I will take you everywhere from north to south and from east to west. We will go to Aswan and Luxor. We will see many temples  and museums there. In Cairo, you will watch and follow the history of Egypt starting from the Pyramids passing Khan al-Khalili. In Khan al-Khalili, we will buy some souvenirs for your relatives. I will also take you to the Pyramids, the Sphinx, the Egyptian Museum and the Citadel . I will take you to Alexandria to enjoy its sun, beaches and water. I hope you will accept my invitation and come. I will be very happy if you come. You will always remember this visit to Egypt.


Session 11 Writing an e-mail

(a)Formal emails:
 Formal emails are similar to letters. Here are the parts of an e-mail when writing to someone you do not know his/her name:
Dear Sir or Madam    /   Dear Sir/Madam
Yours faithfully (UK) /  Sincerely (US)
Writing to someone when you know the name:
Dear Mr Thomas  /    Dear Dr Thomas    /   Dear John Thomas
Regards   /    Your sincerely (UK)   /  Sincerely(US)
When writing formal e-mails, do not use contractions such as I'm, didn't, I'll, etc.
 Informal emails
Hi John   /    Hello Ann
Sometimes we start with Hi or Hello without mentioning the other person's name.
Best wishes,  /   All the best
Formal e-mails use different vocabulary from informal e-mails.



Thank you

I would like to apologize for

I would appreciate if you…

Unfortunately, I will not be able to…

I would rather not…..

Sorry for

Can you…?

I can't

I don't want to….

 How can you make your e-mail more effective?(b)

To make your e-mail more effective, you have to:
•Use an informative subject line, which says what the email is about.
• Write the most important information first.
• Use numbers and bullet points to make the message clearer.
• Use simple grammar. Avoid things like the passive. (As emails are a fast means of communication, they tend to be less wordy and complex than formal letters.)
• Write short sentences.
• Use paragraphs to keep the email clear and easy to understand
Here is the format of the e mail:
To :         …….…
From:      ……….
About (Subject):……….
Dear …….,    

The body

You have received this email from your English-speaking friend, Jean. Write an appropriate reply.
Subject : Asking about a birthday party.
 Dear Tania,
How are you? I hope you are fine. I hear you organised a surprise birthday party for your mother. I'd love to hear about it. What kind of party did you organise? Who did you invite? How did it go? How did you mum feel? Do tell me.
Write a reply to the previous email in an appropriate style. Open with an informal greeting / Start your reply by referring to the sender's email/letter.
 Hi Jean,
Good to hear form you again. I hope you're still enjoying your job.
Give reason for replying
I'm glad you asked me about the party I planned for my mother's birthday. Well, I have to say it was a fantastic success. I told my mother we were taking her out for a quiet meal at a local restaurant with just the family, but in fact I'd hired  (1) a large room in a hotel and invited all her old friends!(2)
Start a new paragraph as the topic has changed slightly. Use an informal linking word/phrase
    Anyway, I picked my mother up and told her I'd changed my mind. We were going to have a meal in a hotel. You should have seen her face when she walked into the room and everyone cheered! She just couldn't believe it and burst into tear (3). Then the party got going and it didn't finish until four in the morning. We were absolutely exhausted, but my mother had had a wonderful time.
When you close, make an excuse to finish.
Must dash now - I've got to go to college. Hope to hear from you.(4)
Make sure you finish with an informal phrase
 (1) Use contractions
(2) Use some exclamation marks (but not too many) to express emotion.
(3) Use a range of appropriate vocabulary and informal expressions

(4) Short sentences are acceptable