Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Home assignment

 Exercise (1)-Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article) .

1.              Lucy has  dog.
2.              Let's sing  song.
3.              Emily needs  new desk in her room.
4.              I need  blue pen.
5.              Ben has  old bike.
6.              Peter has  aunt in Berlin.
7.              We listen to  English CD.
8.              She has  exercise book in her school bag.
9.              The speed of this car was 160 miles  hour.
10.          They finished  unit.

Exercise (2)-Present Perfect or Present Perfect Progressive – Exercise

 1.              How long  Gerry? (you/to know)
2.              You look dirty. What  all the time? (you/to do)
3.              How many times  New York? (Charles/to visit)
4.              She  French words for hours, but she still doesn't remember all of them. (to learn)
5.              The children  videos for two hours. (to watch)
6.               hard today? (he/to study)
7.              My father (never/to smoke)
8.              Sorry, I'm late.  for long? (you/to wait)
9.              We  Lisa recently. (not/to see)
10.          He  on his essay all day, but he  yet. (to write) (not/to finish)

Exercises(3)-Present simple or present continuous?

1. María ____________ (work) for a TV station.
2. At the moment she ____________ (travel) in the Sahara Desert.
3. Dan ____________ (love) wild animals.
4. He ____________ (not visit) Alaska at the moment.
5. Marta ____________ (not live) in Africa.
6. She ____________ (stay) in Africa at the moment.
7. Dad usually ____________ (cook) dinner.
8. My parents ____________ (go) to Italy every year.
9. My sister ____________ (walk) to school every day.
10. We ____________ (have) lunch now.
11. I never ____________ (stay in) on Saturday evening.
12. I ____________ (go) to the cinema now.
13. My mum ____________ (not work) today.
14. Peter ____________ (not like) rap music.
15. He ____________ (listen) to pop music at the moment.
16. Donna usually ____________ (go) shopping on Saturdays.
17. Let´s go out. It ____________ (not rain) now.
18. Hurry up! Everybody ____________ (wait) for you!
19. The sun ____________ (rise) in the east.
20. Water ____________ (boil) at 100 degrees.
21. The water ____________ (boil). Can you turn it off?
22. I must go now. It ____________ (get) late.
23. I usually ____________ (go) to work by car.
24. It ____________ (not rain) very much in the summer.
25. The moon ____________ (go) round the earth.

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