Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Exercises on session 8

Exercise (1)-Choose the correct definite or indefinite article: "the", "a", "an" or "x" (zero article) .
  1. I bought    pair of shoes.
  2. I saw           movie last night.
  3. They are staying at          hotel.
  4. Look at         woman over there! She is a famous actress.
  5. I do not like                 basketball.
  6. That is        girl I told you about.
  7.     night is quiet. Let's take a walk!
  8.   price of gas keeps rising.
  9. John traveled to          Mexico.
  10. Juan is     Spanish.
  11. I read     amazing story yesterday.
  12. My brother doesn't eat            chicken.
  13.      love is such                                                                      beautiful thing.
  14. I live in       apartment.   apartment is new.
  15. I would like     piece of cake.
  16. I was in        Japanese restaurant.     restaurant served good food.
  17. Sara can play     guitar.
    Exercises (2)- Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous 

    1.  ___________________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?
    2.  The kitchen is a complete mess! What ___________________ (the children /do)?
    3.  Julie ___________________ (learn) to drive for six years!
    4.  Amanda ___________________ (already / have)  lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5.  How much coffee ___________________ (she / drink) this morning?
    6.  Simon ___________________ (write) three books.
    7.  I ___________________ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8.  It ___________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9.  I ___________________ (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She ___________________ (forget) how to get to my house.
    11. I ___________________ (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She ___________________ (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He ___________________ (get) up early lately.
    14. We ___________________ (always / hate) rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I ___________________ (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We ___________________ (write) this book for months and months.
    17. I ___________________ (always / love) chocolate.
    18. I ___________________ (want) to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? ___________________ (you / cook)?
    20. I ___________________ (watch) seven films this week!


  1. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  2. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  3. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. a - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

    1. Very good, but in Exercise (1) number 14 the answer is "an" not "a"

  4. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  5. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  6. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  7. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  8. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  9. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  10. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  11. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  12. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  13. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  14. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  15. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  16. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  17. Exercise 1
    1. x
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. a - The
    15. an
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

    1. Good, but in exercise (1) number (1) and (15), the answer should be ""a"".

  18. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  19. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  20. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  21. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  22. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  23. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  24. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  25. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  26. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. an
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. an
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. a
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

    1. Good, but there are 3 mistakes in exercise (1):

  27. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  28. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  29. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!

  30. Exercise 1
    1. a
    2. a
    3. a
    4. the
    5. x
    6. the
    7. The
    8. The
    9. x
    10. x
    11. an
    12. x
    13. x - a
    14. an - The
    15. a
    16. a - the
    17. the
    Exercise 2
    1. Have you bought your train ticket yet?
    2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What have the children been doing?
    3. Julie’s been learning to drive for six years!
    4. Amanda’s already had lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
    5. How much coffee has she drunk this morning?
    6. Simon’s written three books.
    7. I’ve done everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
    8. It hasn’t rained all summer, so the garden is dead.
    9. I’ve read your book. Here it is, thank you.
    10. She’s forgotten how to get to my house.
    11. I’ve been working in the garden all day and I need a rest.
    12. She’s made three cakes. They look delicious!
    13. David feels great these days. He’s been getting up early lately.
    14. We’ve always hated rush hour traffic.
    15. Recently, I’ve been studying a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
    16. We’ve been writing this book for months and months.
    17. I’ve always loved chocolate.
    18. I’ve wanted to go back to university for a long time.
    19. What’s that delicious smell? Have you been cooking?
    20. I’ve watched seven films this week!
